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New study: Deter dangerous driving behaviours in teens
How parental involvement can significantly improve teen driving statistics
One in five teens are still drinking and driving, and one in nearly eight teens are still using marijuana and driving. That's according to the seventh annual Teens Today driving study released Sept. 19, 2006, by Liberty Mutual and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). But parents who set clear consequences - and follow through on them - significantly reduce the likelihood that their teen will engage in these and other unsafe behaviours behind the wheel.
These driving results are part of Teens Today, an annual multi-part research study that reports on teens' behaviours, attitudes and decision-making about such issues as driving, drinking, drug use, sexual activity and family/peer relationships.
Overall, 19% of teens report driving under the influence of alcohol, 15% report driving under the influence of marijuana, and 7% report driving under the influence of “other drugs.” But teens say parents who set expectations with clear consequences for them about breaking the law while driving are less likely to have driven under the influence of alcohol (16% vs. 29%), marijuana (14% vs. 18%) or other drugs (6% vs. 11%) than teens whose parents do not set any consequences.
And further, teens who have never driven under the influence of any illegal substance are a third more likely to say their parents will follow through with those consequences than teens who have driven under the influence of either alcohol or marijuana (78% vs. 59%).
“It's quite encouraging to see that parental involvement can significantly improve teen driving statistics, a mission we've been committed to for some time now,” said Paul Condrin, Liberty Mutual president, personal market. “And through this study, the type of parental involvement that works is clear - parents need to know the laws and teen-driving rules …, set clear expectations with their teens about what safe driving is, and establish and enforce those consequences should those laws be broken or expectations not be met.”
The study finds that setting expectations and following through on consequences may help prevent teens from getting into car crashes, which are the leading cause of death for American teens - more than drugs, guns or any disease combined. Establishing consequences also cuts down on the number of teens who engage in other unsafe driving behaviours.
Teens whose parents establish clear consequences for breaking family driving rules are less likely to drive more than 5 mph over the speed limit (44%) than teens whose parents do not set consequences (56%).
Teens whose parents establish clear consequences for breaking family driving rules are less likely to drive with three or more passengers in a car (36% vs. 42%) or eat/drink while driving (31% vs. 40%) than their counterparts who do not have any clear consequences set.
Interestingly, simply establishing consequences about talking on the cell phone while driving does not significantly influence behaviour. However, teens who say their parents are likely to enforce any established consequences for breaking their family driving rule about cell phones are significantly less likely to talk on the cell phone while driving (37%) than teens who say their parents are unlikely to actually follow-through on any consequence (65%).
Study shows parents holding back on guidance
In many instances, parents are actually present while teens engage in risky driving habits. Even when adults are in the car with teens, the Liberty Mutual/SADD study shows that teens engage in bad driving choices such as speeding (almost 50% of the time), talking on their cell phones (about 20% of the time) and eating or drinking while driving (almost 20% of the time).
“Parents can play an incredibly influential role in the driving behaviour of their teens,” said Stephen Wallace, chairman and chief executive officer of the national SADD organization. “Perhaps most important is to set a good example for young drivers and to reinforce their good driving habits by praising what they are doing right behind the wheel.”
The Liberty Mutual/SADD driving study also found that boys are more likely than girls to have driven under the influence of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs (32% vs. 25%) yet boys say their parents are less likely to speak to them about driving safely. In addition, parents are establishing the least consequences for their teenage boys when it comes to this behaviour.
“Older teen boys are more likely than girls to engage in bad driving choices while adults are present,” said Condrin. “While it's important to talk to both teenage girls and boys about safe driving, parents should remember that boys are more at risk these days for destructive driving.”
What parents can do
"While young people across the country have done a remarkable job of helping to reduce alcohol-related crash deaths among their peers by almost 60% since 1981, this new data makes clear that their work is not done," said Wallace. “Too many teens continue to drink and drug and drive, and parents must be relentless in talking to their teens about this important issue.”
The seventh annual Teens Today driving study builds upon six years of previous research. Experts on teen driving behaviours, Liberty Mutual and SADD offer these additional tips to help parents talk to their teens:
Know the local Graduated Driver License law, including restrictions on supervised driving, time of day, and passengers in the car and enforce them.
Set family rules about driving, outline clear consequences for breaking the rules and follow through. Some rules Liberty Mutual and SADD suggest, if not covered by your local laws are:
-No friends in the car without an adult
-No driving after 10 p.m.
-No use of alcohol or other drugs
-No distractions while driving including eating, changing CDs, handling iPods and putting on makeup
-No cell phone use including text messaging
- Start talking with children as young as 13 or 14 about driving and driving safety. From focus groups, Liberty and SADD have learned from parents of teen drivers that the best times to talk with teens about driving safety are during the 1-2 years before they get their license.
- Continue supervised driving once your child has received his or her license and reinforce the rules and safe driving habits.
- Don't relent. Parents should continue the dialogue with their teens and frequently reinforce the acute dangers of drinking and driving, or using drugs and driving.
Liberty Mutual also provides a practical tool for families to safely manage the formative teen driving process: “The Road Ahead: Stay Safe at the Wheel.” This kit, developed in cooperation with SADD and RADD - “The Entertainment Industry's Voice for Road Safety” - and free to all families, includes a powerful video of teens discussing their driving attitudes and behaviours before and after viewing the HBO Family documentary, “Smashed: Toxic Tales of Teens and Alcohol.” The kit also includes a guide with tips on how to foster a discussion with teens about staying safe at the wheel and a family safe driving pledge.
A free copy of “The Road Ahead” is available by calling 1-800-4-LIBERTY or any local Liberty Mutual office in the U.S. In Canada, contact Liberty International Underwriters (LIU), a division of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Information can be found at